Photos and stories from our outreach, fundraising, and educational events.
Rescue Stories
Zooh Corner rescues rabbits from all kinds of conditions. Some have physical and emotional injuries that need time to heal. Read about some rescue stories that we are currently caring for, while looking for their forever home. Spread the word!
Happy New Beginnings
Meet some of the rabbits Zooh Corner has rescued and helped to find their forever home. Some were brought back from deplorable conditions, due to neglect or ignorance. Thanks to Zooh Corner, these rabbits were given a loving second chance!
Sanctuary Stories
Rescued rabbits that were unable to be adopted due to heath, age, or other special needs reasons are given a place of honor at Zooh Corner. In our Sanctuary, these once-neglected rabbits are given the love, compassion, and dignity they deserve.
Gone but not Forgotten
We love and cherish every bunny we rescue, foster, and find happy new beginnings for, whether it be through adoption or a permanent place in our Zooh Corner Sanctuary. We do this knowing that one day we will have to say goodbye. We honor the time that we had with our little friends, and hold their memories close to our heart.