How to Find a New Home and Family for Your Pet Rabbit

Thank you for making a positive effort on your rabbit’s behalf. Following are some tips that we believe will be helpful in finding your pet a safe new home and family.

Keep in mind that your rabbit is a pet and is used to, and is deserving of, a life of love and attention. Rabbits are intelligent, playful, social animals who NEED attention and live longer, healthier, happier lives as spayed or neutered INDOOR companions. A rabbit that lives indoors will generally live 5-8 years longer than its out-of-doors living counterpart—to the ripe old age of 8-13 years (some have even lived to be 15!)!


Remember that your pet will miss you and that if there is any way at all that you can make accommodations in your life so s/he can remain with you—that is always the best option.

  • Bunny should be spayed or neutered. Altered rabbits make healthier, happier, neater companions because they no, longer have the urge to mark or protect territory. It will also assure you that no more unwanted rabbits will occur (millions die every year because there aren’t enough homes for them)..
  • Litter box train your bunny—even if s/he lives in an outdoor hutch. Then you can advertise a trained house rabbit, thus helping to assure your friend the best life possible.
  • Socialize your bunny. Spend time with bunny so that s/he will be more receptive to adopters and thus help “sell” her/him self.


  • Local papers, vet offices, pet stores, Internet…
  • Mention bunny’s good points: house trained, fixed, plays peek-a-boo, etc..
  • Charge a fee. A $20-30 fee will help assure that bunny is going to be a loved PET.
  • Screen callers. Ask if they know anything about rabbits, have they ever had one, how much time will bunny be alone, what about other pets and bunny’s safety…
  • Interview before allowing bunny to leave your home; you could even drop the bunny off yourself so you can do a house check. Say NO if you are not 100% comfortable with the new people.
  • Tell new owners what bunny is used to (diet, etc.) and what sort of living arrangements are appropriate for a house rabbit (see enclosure).


  • Rabbits brought back to pet stores or breeders are often killed or used as snake food
  • Rabbits released into the wild (parks, fields, etc.) WILL DIE—from predators, starvation or sickness.
  • Placing a pet in a good home does take time and patience, but it is worth the effort, and it is the very least that they deserve.THANK YOU for caring, and good luck!