Huffington Post Covers Pel-Freez Rabbit Cruelty

The Huffington Post has detailed the undercover investigation and legal action brought against Pel-Freez, the notorious slaughterhouse that Last Chance for Animals (LCA) has recently exposed.  The graphic details and footage covered by LCA are disturbing and shocking, and reveal the slaughterhouse as operating with consistent and systematic torture of rabbits.  In response to LCA’s whistleblowing, […]

RRR Call for Equal Pet Rights

The Scotsman reports on Rabbits Require Rights (RRR), a Scottish charitable organization devoted to educating and advocating for the welfare of pet rabbits.  RRR has recently called upon  the Holyrood’s Public Petitions Committee to grant protection for rabbits similar to that of cats and dogs.  From their post: Campaigner Karen Gray told the committee: “…People […]

LCA Petition Against Rabbit Cruelty

Last Chance for Animals (LCA) has recently reported on an undercover investigation at Pel-Freez, the largest rabbit slaughterhouse in the United States.  They have documented horrific abuse and started a petition calling upon the prosecution of Pel-Freez for subjecting the rabbits at their facility to cruel mistreatment.  From their petition page: In the first-ever investigation […]