Humane Cosmetics Act Support

Cruelty Free International is continuing their campaign for the Humane Cosmetics Act in their Making North America cruelty free campaign, on the recent support of Peter Dinklage, a well-known actor and animal lover.  From their post: Emmy and Golden Globe award winning actor, Peter Dinklage, star of Game of Thrones has today joined with Cruelty Free […]

Canadian Bill to Ban Animal Testing

Humane Society International (HSI) reports on the recent launch of the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act, a bill launched to prohibit animal testing for cosmetics in Canada, as well as blocking the sale of all cosmetics that have been recently tested on animals.  They have been working closely with the Animal Alliance of Canada (AAC)and Senator Carolyn Stewart […]

Medical Bills GoFundMe Campaign

We have set up a GoFundMe campaign to help cover an exceptionally high balance on our medical account.  Since the end of April the bunnies have had some exceptionally tough illnesses and this has included MANY emergency room visits and several hospitalizations, including: Satchmo’s leg amputation Luigi the Lemon’s dental surgery and complications NO! Twinkle […]