010In the last year we have taken in SO many special needs and elderly rabbits. These are rabbits who will very likely never be able to be available for adoption, due to age and medial circumstances, rabbits we take on to love and care for – for ever.

Sanctuary Rabbit Examples:

Otho, who is 10-plus and currently undergoing 3K-plus radiation therapy.

Poppie: Otho’s wife. She is at least 11 or 12 and has kidney and heart issues, as well as cow pile syndrome. She see the vet at least every two months—for life. (and she is SO cute!).

Buttons (pictured): He lived in a bird cage for the first five years of his life, enclosure rarely cleaned and he was beaten up by his (?) relations. He has lung and kidney issues, as well as what can only be referred to as “bunny hip dysplasia” and severe arthritis.

Victoria: Ignored for nearly four years at the shelter, has lived the rest of her life here at ZOOH CORNER. Has heart issues and some of the most serious arthritis we have seen.

RUFUS POOFUS POOFINGTON: Dropped by a hawk while just a baby, his back was broken, his jaw was broken and his incisors were broken and nearly not there at all. He has been with us for nearly seven years, with three-times (plus) daily bladder expression, daily physical therapy, constant on-and-off UTIs (common to paralyzed rabbits)—-and loved loved loved.

Other elderly and special needs rabbits rescued and placed in Sanctuary Homes (homes supported by Zooh Corner): Percival, Count Chocula, Carl, Madison and Mighty Mouse, Picasso, Satchmo, Herman, Daisy, Doc Holiday, Olive, Bobby, Pepper. To name a few.

We just want to remind you, our supporters, of a few of our cases which have ongoing need of support. We are always in need of donations – on a one-time AND monthly basis (you can set up monthly donations!), as well as volunteers, and we appreciate all support we get, which enables us to continue to rescue special needs and elderly rabbits!

You can contribute in these ways:

  • PayPal (for one-time AND monthly *recurring* donations) zoohcorner@mybunny.org
  • on vet account–Exotic Animal Care Center (626)405-1777
  • by check PO Box 2192, San Gabriel CA 91775