Vegetables and Fruits for Bunnies
The following are lists of good vegetables to feed your rabbit as part of their daily healthy diet and nutrition. Fruits and oats are good as an occasional treat rather than a main part of their diet.
You should feed at least three different vegetables a day – any combination of lettuces counts as ONE veggie for that day. NO LEGUMES, NUTS, SEEDS, CORN COB TREATS, OR YOGURT DROPS! These are not natural foods for rabbits and they can be very dangerous to gut function.
Vegetables that should be considered as part of your rabbit’s diet:
- Alfalfa, radish, and clover sprouts
- Asparagus
- Basil
- Beet greens
- Bell Peppers (green, red, yellow…)
- Bok Choy
- Broccoli
- Some bunnies may find this a rather “gassy” veggie. If diarrhea occurs, remove from diet
- Brussels Sprouts
- Carrot tops (organic)
- Chard
- Cilantro
- Clover
- Dandelion Greens (Pesticide Free!)
- Eggplant
- Endive
- Escarole
- Grass
- Freshly cut from your backyard only
- If you are sure there are no chemicals, fertilizers, or poisons (park grass usually has one or all of these)
- Mint
- Mustard Greens
- Okra leaves
- Parsley
- Pea pods (AKA Chinese pea pods)
- Peppermint leaves
- Pumpkin leaves
- Radicchio
- Radish tops
- Raspberry leaves
- Squash: Zucchini, Yellow, Butternut, Pumpkin
- Various lettuces
- Romaine, butter, green leaf, Boston, bibb, arugula, etc
- Avoid very light hearts
- No iceberg
- Watercress
- Wheat grass
Vegetables that are higher in calcium should be used sparingly (once or twice a week).
For older buns, or those with bladder or kidney problems, avoid these, unless otherwise directed by your rabbit vet.
- Collard greens
- Kale
- High in either oxalates or goitrogens, which can cause or exacerbate bladder sludging, and other calcium/kidney problems
- Use sparingly!
- Turnip greens
You should only feed fruits once or twice a week in small amounts. NO SEEDS OR PITS! Sugary fruits, such as bananas and grapes should be fed only as occasional treats, and NO fruit should be fed to an overweight rabbit.
- Apple
- Blackberries
- Blueberry
- Pineapple
- Melon
- Papaya
- Peach
- Plum
- Pears
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
A small amount of oats are fine as an occasional treat, or if recommended by your rabbit veterinarian for underweight rabbits.