Zooh Corner Grooming day coming up! Bring your bunnies to see our amazing friend, and groomer extraordinaire, Jody Springborn. Hope to see you there!
Author: Zooh News
No Words
Friends. This is not an update that I wanted to make. I will be brief because it’s all I can do to hold it together right now. Our home is gone. Everything is gone. We do not have much more than the clothes on our backs and a few incidentals and important papers, some basic […]
Binky in Peace Satchmo
Our hearts are missing a big, soft chocolatey-rexy chunk without you here. Daddy misses your nighttime snuggles and I miss your morning antics, and the kisses I got during your morning massages and ear rubs. You are with your girls now, whole and pain free. . . forever loved, forever missed. Satchmo had a long […]
Satchmo came to Zooh corner some time ago, and fell in with a wonderful harem of white rabbits who he quickly grew very fond of. Victoria, his bondmate and fellow Sanctuary rabbit, was a loving mother of several children, and Satchmo welcomed them all into his heart. Over the years, we had to say goodbye to […]
We are LOVE Campaign Ending Soon
The “We are Love” campaign is running well, and is ending in only 4 days! If you haven’t got yours, check it out!!
Double Donor November!!
It’s Double Donor time! Donate between now and October 28th and have your donation doubled! Any amount donated, up to $800, will be matched by our generous contributors. That’s only $200 dollars a day from now until October 28. We can do that, right? For the bunnies!!! To donate: Paypal On vet account: Exotic Animal […]
Date change! Rabbit Seminar Nov 8
Please join Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue for our next education day Sunday, November 8th—Rabbit Illnesses: Treatment and At-home Care. You won’t want to miss this one. Also: $25 Helathy Bunny Exams (guinea pigs, chinchillas &tc welcomed!) $15 Aromatherapy Grooming Bunnies! Goodies! Christmas Bunny Boutique! Sign up at our Eventbrite page!