LCA Petition Against Rabbit Cruelty

Last Chance for Animals (LCA) has recently reported on an undercover investigation at Pel-Freez, the largest rabbit slaughterhouse in the United States.  They have documented horrific abuse and started a petition calling upon the prosecution of Pel-Freez for subjecting the rabbits at their facility to cruel mistreatment.  From their petition page: In the first-ever investigation […]

Compassion Fatigue

Regina Lizik of BarkPost has written a compelling article about compassion fatigue, the emotional exhaustion caused by the stress of caring for traumatized or suffering animals or people.  In her article, she describes the devastating effect that compassion fatigue, or secondary-traumatic stress disorder, can have on people.  Most notably, the suicide of Dr. Sophia Yin, […]

Myxomatosis Hits Australian Rescue; Petition for Vaccine

The Mercury reports on a myxomatosis affliction that has hit Big Ears Sanctuary, an Australian no-kill animal rescue and sanctuary.  Myxomatosis is a painful disease that has been used in Australia as an attempt to control wild rabbit population due to the apparent lack of natural predators.  This inhumane attempt has proven to be ineffective, and […]