Author: zoohcorner

  • Newspaper Needed!

    005If you live locally and are able to collect and donate newspaper to Zooh Corner, it would be much appreciated. We use it on a daily basis to line our hay boxes (with tons of fresh grays hay on top!).

    Contact us if you can help!

  • Sacramento “Meat” Breeder Babies Update

    004TONKA here, and his bothers, have all been neutered and are recovering well. Tonka’s toes are 98% healed (mostly thanks to Janet Foster’s wonderful care!). Tonka’s favorite things to do are to follow Tickle around, sit at the top of the Cottontail Cottage, and snuggle with Tickle.

    ALVIN (V.G.B.) had his second toe surgery, to prevent the spread of infection and stave off the need for amputation, and he continues to get daily toe soaks and cold laser therapy. Fingers crossed that this did the trick and that he is truly on the road to recovery. He is just a baby and we want him to be able to binky and bounce with the best of them! heart emoticon

    THE DREAD PIRATE WESLEY WIGGLEBOTTOM had his toe surgically cleaned again and some more necrotic tissue removed. He too gets toe soakings and cold laser therapy. Poor Wesley thinks it is time for all of this silliness to walk the plank: he just wants to eat hay and play in his tunnels and his beloved Cottontail Cottage!

    TICKLE THE TERRIBLE is doing very well. He also is about 98% healed. He spends his time popping out of tunnels, sticking his nose up the back of my shirt, staring at me and pestering the Dread Pirate.

    Thank you all for your continued love and support for these little “meat” babies. If you have not already done so, please take moment and sign the petition to help stop Whole Foods Market from selling the flesh of rabbits just like Tonka and his brothers.

    Together we CAN stop this from happening. Please sign and share today.

  • Miss Mustard’s UTI

    003Our Miss Mustard visited Exotic Animal Care Center today, with signs of a urinary tract infection, and the onset of GI stasis.  We’re on top of it, and her husbun Galbani is right by her side to provide emotional support and cuddles.  Thanks to the fast response of their foster parents, we hope this will clear up quickly.

    As always, we could use your help!  Donations are always welcome!

    To Donate:

  • Neuter Done; Recheck Next Week

    003Our wonderful rescued baby boys, Tickle, Tonka, Wesley, and Alvin, have returned from Exotic Animal Care Center.  They’re now neutered, and are all in good shape!  Regarding their toes, no amputation so far, but there will be a re-check next week.


  • Zooh Corner Protests Whole Foods

    10944390_10205809533902735_8246635879814891459_nOn Sunday, January 25, Zooh Corner stood in solidarity against Whole Foods and their sickening use of domestic pet rabbits as food.  Besides the obvious concern that they are using the very animals we love and support as a commodity, there have been numerous reports on the cruel and inhumane handling of the rabbits throughout the farming process.

    We have opposed their decision to introduce rabbit meat in their stores since last summer, where we have joined ranks with other organizations to spread word.  Their refusal to respond to customer concerns have alienated the rabbit lover community.

    Despite this, they continue to uphold their decision, and demonstrate nothing but hypocrisy with their “values matter” campaign.  By contrast, stores like Sprouts have proven their desire to listen to their customers.

    Ways you can help:

  • Sacramento Breeder Babies Named

    10942747_10205789664886022_1422885381962034134_nWe have named our four babies rescued from the Sacramento Breeder! We are pleased to introduce you to Tickle (#19), Dread Pirate Wesley Wigglebottom (#6), Alvin (#14), and Tonka (#12)! Tickle is very curious and digs Starbucks. Today, a Cottontail Cottage was given to the boys. What fun they had!

    The boys were in to see Dr. Kanfer at Exotic Animal Care Center on January 22.   Wesley & Alvin may need toes amputated. Neuters and toe recheck next week.

    Neuter day is coming up next week. The toes will need to be seen too.  Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Janet Foster, we are only $140 shy of covering their current vet bill.  Any amount you can offer to help is much appreciated!

  • Rabbit Health Seminar on YouTube

    Capture 2015-01-27 17-25-34-001Our latest free rabbit health seminar, Elderly and Disabled Rabbits part 2, is now available on  our YouTube channel.  If you didn’t make it out to Exotic Animal Care Center on January 18, you can watch Dr. Kanfer talk about the problems and treatments for your rabbits with special needs.

    Along with the free health lecture, Dr. Kanfer provided hands-on demonstrations for techniques like bladder expression and physical therapy.  The Zooh Store was there with our typical supply of fresh hays, treats, toys, and trinkets.  The $15 grooming and $25 healthy pet exams so were well-attended that we couldn’t fit all our guests into the video!  We also featured adoptable bunnies from Kanfer Rescue, and are elated that C.C. found a loving home!  All the best with his new bunny family!

    If you have more questions that what was covered in this seminar, then stay tuned for our next installment in March, where we will host Dr. Jan Steele from California Animal Rehabilitation (CARE).  We hope to see you there!

    And don’t forget that our lecture series continues all year.  Check out the schedule!

  • Neuters Needed for Sacramento “Meat” Rescue

    002Our newly arrived guests are going to need neutering soon.  Here’s #14 Note the missing toes on right back foot. I am concerned with his level of infection. He is missing all but one on the front right.

    Help keep this peace and contentment! These babies have been through so much trauma in their short lives. Please don’t let a simple case of hormones cause the need for them to be separated!
    Please donate to help get them neutered next week.

    To Donate

    • PayPal
    • On vet account (626 )405-1777
  • Sacramento “Meat” Babies Arrived

    IMG_5016On January 16th, 2015, our four babies from the Sacramento “Meat” Rabbit Rescue arrived. We are overjoyed… and heartbroken when we look at their injured and missing toes, knowing the suffering they have been through in their short time on Earth. They are just babies! (Many thanks to Lisa Rockwell and her mum from being their taxi service!)  Check out our photo gallery!

    On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2014, nineteen baby “meat ” rabbits were saved from neglect and death at the hands of a meat rabbit breeder in Sacramento. These poor, terrified, injured babies, taken away from their mama too soon, were being sold as food (for snakes or humans, breeder didn’t care). Due to the inhumane, filthy, dangerous conditions that these rabbits were kept in, all of them were injured and required medical care. A dog had been terrorizing them from beneath their wire cage and all were missing toes or parts of toes.

    Please donate to help with their ongoing medical care!

    Donate to Zooh Corner

    The Craigslist ad (seen in part here, but unfortunately, flagged and deleted) read that they were good for snake food or eating, but not show-worthy because their feet had been chewed on by a dog. Their water bottles were nothing but green algae. The bunnies had no hay, no solid flooring, and no protection from the elements other than a rag stretched across the top of their filthy cage. Utterly heartbreaking.

    Our love and thanks to their rescuer, Janet Foster and Second Chance Bunnies Rabbit Rescue, for rescuing and caring for these poor babies! Without her they would have surely suffered more. . .and died. ♥

    ♥ We at Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue are looking forward to loving our boys, and to giving them the freedom to be bunnies, and the kindness and the care they so desperately need and deserve. ♥

    Please consider donating to help us care for them. On top of whatever medical needs they will have (due to their extensive injuries), each bun needs to be neutered ASAP so that they will not get hormonal and need to be separated. Please help with neuters ASAP. These babies have been through enough and they need each other. Bunnies bond closely and they do not need to deal with being separated.


  • First Rabbit Seminar a Hit

    001Our 2015 Seminars are off to a fantastic start!  Check out our photos from the event, and stay tuned to see the lecture videos on our YouTube channel!

    Thanks to all who came out and to our awesome and hard-working volunteers – and special thanks to Dr. Sari Kanfer of Exotic Animal Care Center for an awesome lecture and demo, and for donating her time to help Zooh Corner.

    Hope to see you all again in March, for our third and final lecture in the “Elderly & Disabled Rabbits” series, with our very special guest lecturer, Dr. Jan Steele, of California Animal Rehabilitation. Hope to see some new faces as well!!

    If your bunnies have any health issues, don’t forget to call Exotic Animal Care Center and make an appointment to see Dr Kanfer! (626)405-1777.