Thanks to Reagan Hein for her above-and-beyond help at Zooh Corner today! She cleaned the Sanctuary Room AND the outside Bunny Fun Time (BFT) pens—and went above-and-beyond that to sweep the porches! She also brought along her foster bunnies, Miss Mustard and Galbani, for some extra fun zoomie time. Thank you so much, Reagan!!!! You […]
Author: zoohcorner
A Message from Chocy
Have you donated to help my fellow old Sanctuary Pal, Picasso? He was at the vet this week—had radiographs, ultrasound, check-up—and we need to raise funds to cover his bill……because it is also time for my check-up! I need my bi-annual blood work and radiographs next month, just to make sure everything is okay! Please […]
Still Need Sponsor for MOnocle’s Neuter
MOnocle is all healed from his wounds on his hip and paws, and the mites have all cleared up. He is ready for his neuter, and we need all the support you can give! Please, won’t someone sponsor his neuter?
Picasso’s Vet Results
Picasso does appear to be having some early signs of cardiac issues; however, he also has some pretty serious arthritis, as I mentioned earlier, and we think that pain might be causing the issues with his labored breathing. So, we’re going to try a round of tramadol first. Observation to see if that makes a […]
Picasso Recheck Tomorrow
Picasso‘s breathing appears a little labored to me. After reviewing his radiographs, and considering his advanced age, Dr Kanfer and I agree that it is a good idea to do recheck rads tomorrow, and pending those results +/- biopsy of one of his many polyps (we assume at this time they are benign). Funds are […]
New Zooh Corner Website
Do things look a little different around here? That’s because Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue has a brand new website! We still host our large repository of rabbit health information, and are keeping true to our roots (Fergus the Bunny is looking better than ever!), but we now have a new WordPress-driven site to keep you up-to-date […]
Support Zooh Corner Sanctuary Rabbits
PICASSO is just one of the many Sanctuary Rabbits cared for by Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue. Sanctuary Rabbits are elderly (as is Picasso), ailing or special needs rabbits who are deemed less or un-adoptable. Zooh Corner believes ALL rabbits deserve forever homes, and in this light we take this rabbits into our homes, and approved […]
Gambol up for Adoption!
My name is Gambol and I was out playing (supervised) on Easter Sunday- and wondering: When will my forever family find me? Will you share my photo and help my people to find me? I would love to be adopted and have lots of room in your house to run and binky and flop! I […]
Squalid Rabbit Breeding in Sherman Oaks, CA
The Examiner recently featured an article about an unlicensed rabbit breeding operation that the Bunny World Foundation and the Companion Animal Protection Agency are working hard to shut down. Recently, the rescue groups investigated the back yard of a home in Sherman Oaks, California, where one one hundred and twenty-seven were being stored in a warehouse fashion, […]
Victoria Gets Some TLC
Here’s Victoria having an acupuncture and laser treatment for her severe arthritis. Zooh Corner Sanctuary Rabbits get only the best we can offer. And they deserve nothing less!