Sherman Oaks-008The Bunny World Foundation (BWF) are continuing their struggle regarding the deplorable Sherman Oaks breeder facility, and the lack of support and compassion from the Los Angeles Animal Services (LAAS).  Recently, the LAAS visited the breeder, and found only 10 rabbits left, with another 50 unaccounted for.  They are encouraging people to sign a petition calling on the audit of LAAS for their questionable and unaccountable practices.

From the BWF Facebook page:

LAAS visited the breeding facility last weekend, and found out that only 10 rabbits are left. Where did the 50 go? The public would like to know! LAAS failed in their LAST attempt to redeem themselves and take the remaining rabbits to safety. They failed to find out what happened to the missing 50! The impotence in handling animal cruelty and neglect case is astounding.

‘Safeguarding’ the breeders from the rescues such as BWF and allowing them to get rid of the UNALTERED animals under their watch is what they call “investigation” – we call it “accomplice to murder” and DEMAND the records of WHERE these rabbits went. WE DEMAND THE INVESTIGATION!

The Horrific Breeding Operation of 127 Rabbits in Sherman Oaks, CA is NOT YET, and will NOT be resolved until EVERY rabbit – alive OR dead – is accounted for. May the forces of goodness unite to clear the evil from our city and bring about the change that the LA’s Voiceless and the rescuers hope for and deserve!

The petition calls for Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti to audit the LAAS.  From the petition page:

There is a consistent and well-documented recent history of LAAS’s deceptive and inefficient practices during the tenure of General Manager Brenda Barnette, some of which she inherited upon taking the job, and some of which she has exacerbated as GM.

In order to correct these problems, a clear, comprehensive and collaborative assessment must be done, and this can only be achieved with a comprehensive independent audit. We also believe that an audit will exonerate against false claims, if any exist.

Please sign the petition and show your support.
