Marshmallow and Hollis were living in a garage, in a small wire cage, with no A/C, no hay, and no exercise/play time or attention. They are three years old and neither girl-bunny is spayed. Unfortunately, Marshmallow developed some serious dental disease, and because she never got attention, she was hard to handle and medicate, so […]
Category: Announcements
URGENT: RHDV2 Vaccine coming to California; Reserve Immediately with EAVC
9 MAY 2020 LOS ANGELES / PASADENA AREA – PLEASE SHARE ATTENTION RABBIT PEOPLE – RE: RHDV2 PLEASE READ ALL Exotic Animal Veterinary Center will getting the RHDV2 vaccine sometime within the next 4-6 weeks (approximately 4 weeks after they are ordered). Please contact them if you want to have your rabbits vaccinated so that […]
Safe, Enclosed Play Area Being Built
Zooh Corner is building an enclosed play area for the Sanctuary Rabbits (those who are able)! As well as using it for the more able bodied Sanctuary Rabbits, the goal also is to offer it *by private invitation* to local bunny people, for a donation. (Want to spend some time with your bunnies in a […]
Did You Find Baby Bunnies?
It’s that time of year again. Wild babies everywhere. But are they at risk? Wild rabbits hide their nests in plain view, often in the middle of your yard, bushes, etc. If you find a nest that has been disturbed, do the best you can to restore it and leave the babies in there. If a dog discovers […]
Rabbit Lecture Rescheduled, Exams and Grooming Only on Oct 15
The RABBIT EMERGENCIES lecture scheduled for Sunday, October 15th, at Exotic Animal Care Center, is being rescheduled. LOW COST EXAMS AND GROOMING are still scheduled for that day from 2PM to 4PM. You may RSVP via Eventbrite or come as a walk-in. To recap: The lecture is being rescheduled (TBA) but the low cost […]
Zooh Corner Relocation Funds Needed
As you know, Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue was given 60 days to vacate and move the entire rescue. We have found a new place. We got funded, thanks to you! Our application was accepted, and we will give updates soon! The big hitch is that we must begin rental in April. But we cannot leave where […]
Farewell Dr. Lamb!
Dr. Stephanie Lamb is moving! She is a good friend of Zooh Corner, and has been one of our excellent vets at Exotic Animal Care Center for all our rescues, adoptables, and sanctuary bunnies. Along with her wonderful and compassionate veterinary care, she has graciously volunteered her time and efforts for our Free Rabbit Care […]
HRS Day of Action August 17
The House Rabbit Society (HRS) is organizing a Day of Action on Sunday, August 17, calling for peaceful leafleting and protesting in front of Whole Foods stores. From their site: Rabbit protection groups around the country are planning on coming together to tell Whole Foods Market what rabbit lovers really think about Whole Foods’ decision […]
Zooh Corner Against Whole Foods
Zooh Corner has started a page directed to keep you informed about our efforts regarding Whole Foods and their heartless decision to sell rabbit meat. So far, we have been posting news about efforts from the House Rabbit Society, and encouraging letters and boycotts. With this new page, we aim to organize our friends, followers, […]
Summer Heat Warning
Summer is coming, and Zooh Corner wants to remind you to keep your bunnies cool, as high temperatures can be very dangerous to their heath. The best situation is an indoor, air-conditioned home on days with temperature over 78 degrees. Some additional tips: Avoid housing your rabbit in direct sunlight, and ensure the area is well-ventilated […]