It looks like Chocy’s arthritis is worse in his upper back, and in his lower back there is a collapsed disc. Painful. This could easily cause the weakness in his left behind leg. Starting him on Tramadol and kicking the physical therapy up a notch.
His radiographs: Showed the disc and spinal degeneration, but his heart and lungs look great (!!!), and his kidneys, while still pretty mineralized (will post up rads later), actually look better than when he first came in (good living!).
Blood work: Should have that info tomorrow. Fingers crossed his kidney and liver values are good.
Treatment: Tramadol for pain, added physical therapy and massage (see below) and GI support until feeling better.
**I will be contacting California Animal Rehabilitation to make a consultation appointment. Would anyone be able to sponsor this? Please? For The Count?
To Donate For His Current Vet Bill
- PayPal
- On vet account (626) 405-1777