13876436_10209940138125259_3537533194194867159_nWe at Zooh Corner are broken-hearted to announce that we had to say goodbye to our sweet, little, tilty Davey Jones today.

Davey was e. cuniculi positive with chronic head tilt, and long suffered from bouts of extreme nystagmus and other related issues. Generally, after a few weeks, he rallied. I was hoping it would be the same this time around, but shortly into the last three-and-a-half weeks I knew something wasn’t quite right. Unfortunately, as of Friday–despite round-the-clock feeding, expressing his bladder, and of course TLC –he began to get worse. And today I knew. I knew.

Davey was such an amazing sweet little guy. He’d had a head tilt for the last four years but despite that he was always happy and curious and interested in everything that was going on. Whenever I was in the same room or outside the sliding glass doors I would look over and see his little one eye peering up at me.

I already miss you, Davey. And so does your little bun-wife, Edwinna. You are loved and will be missed by Dyan, your first mama, by Susan, and by daddy and me.

Binky In Peace, Davey Jones. You are loved and you will be missed.