Hello, Friends of Zooh Corner – my soon-to-be new home!
My name is Hudson J. Edinburrow, P.I.
I will be coming to Zooh Corner next month, on August 3rd, which also happens to be the date of my life-saving surgery. You see, I have a non-functioning kidney, with a mass growing on it, and it is causing me to feel sick. My vet, Dr Sari Kanfer, says it is just getting worse, treatment will not cure it, and it needs to come out so that I can feel better and live a long life. ((ED: It also needs to be biopsied to see what is going on. -Cat))
Will you please help us pay for my surgery? I really want to be well and live a long life. I have a ladybun friend waiting for me too! Her name is Burlesque Billie Rose. I met her once and I can’t wait to see her again!
Read more by clicking on this link to our GoFundMe.
Zelle zoohgirl@gmail.com
On Vet Account (626)405-1777
PayPal zoohcorner@mybunny.org