1844483787540616819-account_id=1My Heart Has Joined the Thousand

It is with tears and immense sadness that I write of the passing of a much-loved animal advocate. Early this morning, Bona Tucker, the founder of PetSave Foundation, lost her battle with AML Leukemia.

Bona was a truly good and lovely human. She was fun, witty, and above all an immensely dedicated and compassionate rescuer. She saved many animal lives, but of course her true love was the bunnies. Her death is a tremendous loss for the animals and the rescue world. I am truly honored to have called her friend.

Rest in peace, Bona, and binky with the bunnies. You are loved by many. . .and you will be very much missed.

“My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today.”
– Richard Adams, Watership Down