It is with much sadness in my heart that I am writing of the passing of a friend and colleague, Dr. Jan Steele. Jan passed away very suddenly on Tuesday, December 20. She and leaves behind her loving family, as well as many devastated friends and furry clients.
Jan devoted her life to animal physical therapy. She was innately talented and compassionate, and was one of the first to work so intensely with rabbits and other exotic animals. I was lucky to spend many hours with her, while she manipulated, massaged, gently prodded, rocked and ultimately brought relief and relaxation to various Zooh Corner Sanctuary Rabbits. I loved how she would not only find “just the right spot,” but how she’d talk them through it in her soft, sing-songy way, explaining to them (and to me) what was wrong, what she was doing, and why and how it would help. I think the explanations helped!
I learned a lot from Jan, to the benefit of the our sanctuary rabbits. She had a genuine drive to help the creatures in her care, and a patient willingness to teach all of us who were willing to listen how we could help them too. It was a distinct pleasure working with and learning from her.
Jan: Thank you. You are loved. You are missed. You will not be forgotten.
Cat Logsdon & all the Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue Sanctuary Bunnies.