13239219_10209311605532337_692040931509154119_nIt is with a broken heart and many tears that I announce to all those who loved our little Luigi the Lemon – that he had to leave us yesterday. I, and even more-so his Sanctuary mama and daddy, Reagan and Jeff, are devastated.

It all happened so fast. One day he wasn’t feeling so well, the next day we found out he had cancer, and just a week later. . .we had to say good-bye. He was ready. It was our last act of love.

While we are heartbroken now, we hope everyone remembers what a wonderful life our little Lemon had in his Sanctuary Home. Remember his lemon hat? His carrot car? His little girl? I’ve included a few photos here to help us all remember what an amazing personality he had and how much he meant to us all.

And I want to thank all of you who loved him, shared his cuteness with us, laughed at his silliness – and prayed for him and supported him when he needed it the most. And his amazing vet, Dr Sari Kanfer heart emoticon Where would he have been without all of us?

Most of all, I want to offer my deepest gratitude to Reagan and Jeff for loving him so much and for giving him the best life a little frail, snuggly Lemon could ever wish for. He left this world surrounded by love and in the arms of the person he loved more than anything in this world – his mama, Reagan. If ever there was a Mama’s Boy, Luigi the Lemon was the very definition.

Binky In Peace, little Lemon. You are loved – and oh, gosh, how painfully you will be missed.