I am incredibly sorry and sad to have to tell you that we had to say goodbye to Theodore Rabbit. Despite our very best efforts–and the heroic efforts of our amazing vet, Dr. Sari Kanfer, with whom he was hospitalized–Theodore continued to decline. At the end, as at the beginning when he was initially rescued, I was with him. I held his little head in my hand, rubbed his soft cheeks, his sweet little face, and he left for the Rainbow Bridge.
So many tears. This is so unfair. This sweet little man did not deserve to end up worse than he was when we rescued him initially. I am heartbroken. But I am grateful he was with us and that we were at least able to ease his pain, offer him comfort, and love him to the end.
Binky In Peace, Theodore Rabbit. You are loved and you will be missed.
We still have a very large outstanding bill for his medical care. The estimate posted here does not show the additional radiographs, bloodwork, and medications needed to do ur very best for him. We very much need your support.
Please consider a donation of any size to help us pay off Theodore Rabbit’s vet bill You can donate by clicking the DONATE button, or you can donate directly on account at Exotic Animal Veterinary Center (626)405-1777, Monday – Saturday, 9AM – 6PM.
Thank you all for your ongoing bunny-love and support.
Cat Logsdon