We are broken-hearted to let you all know that we had to say goodbye to Bueller. I was pretty sure this would be the outcome, but we always have hope and want to try our best for them. I don’t believe there is anything we could have done that would have saved him – last night or today. Dr. Kanfer and I both think that it was a case of advanced cowpile syndrome, that he had not eaten properly in days. I believe the pet store unloaded him because they knew he was ill.
We are grateful to a kind woman, who placed a badly worded ad, but who had this little guy’s best interest in her heart.
These are always the hardest. They just don’t have a chance. We are grateful, Susan and I, that we were able to give him love and comfort for at least a brief period of his life.
Binky In Peace, Bueller Mo-ped Loppenberg. You are loved and you will be missed.
And yes. We still need donations. There will definitely be a vet bill for today, and we have chosen to have him cremated so he can stay with us always.