Please say a prayer and send love to Zooh Corner Sanctuary Rabbits, Davey Jones and Herman. Kevin and I. . .and Herman. . .well, we know it is time to say goodbye to Herman (white). His condition worsens by the day and despite multiple booty baths and rug and towel changes it is impossible to keep him dry and comfortable. He has been blind for several years, but now he can also no longer move around. It breaks our hearts to say goodbye, but would break them more if we waited too long and allowed him to worsen further, to suffer.
I will not say I like this part of rescue–but it is a vital, important part of it, especially when most of the rabbits we take in are special needs or elderly. I would gladly bear this sadness time and again if we could help more of these sweet injured, disabled and elderly souls. We love them with all of our hearts.
Herman is an exception to the above and became a Sanctuary Rabbit many years ago, while young and healthy. He has had a long life with us; after being born at the shelter and ignored (everyone else’s loss!!), along with his entire family, we took all of them to live with us as Sanctuary Rabbits: Herman’s mama, Victoria, two sisters–Abbey, Kay–and Herman’s brother and best bestie, Sherman – all now gone to the Rainbow Bridge and waiting her their Herman.
So. . .prayers and love, please, to surround us all – from all of your understand and care.