001Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue would like to extend a happy 4th of July to everyone!  Remember to keep your pets safe and cool for the holidays!  We have some wonderful tips on how to combat the dangers of heat.

The best place for your bun is indoors in an air-conditioned environment.  If that is not possible, then here are a few tips to keep them cool and safe:

  • Avoid housing your rabbit in direct sunlight, and ensure the area is well-ventilated
  • Never keep your rabbit in the garage
  • Use fans when possible to help with airflow
  • Place bottles or cartons of ice near your bunny
  • Stock up on ice bottles by storing spare water bottles in the freezer
  • Provide plenty of fresh, clean drinking water
  • If food gets wet (via misters, etc.) change to avoid life-threatening mold

Here is an adorable 4th of July video by YouTube channel Animalist, featuring some bunnies partying a little too much!

Animalist is produced by the Discovery Channel.  They advocate for wild and domestic animals, and provide educational and informative clips.  Another timely video covers some advice on calming your pets during fireworks.