It’s hard to believe that it’s already Miss Malone’s first Gotcha Day. What a long long way she has come since that first day we met her. Just a baby, barely six months old, both of her back legs shattered. The pleading look in her eyes: Please help me. Please make the pain stop. We all fell in love with her from moment one and were determined to do everything in our power to help her to heal.
And Zooh Corner did just that.
Throughout the weeks – months – of treatment, confinement, splint changes and physical therapy this beautiful, silly, joyous little being remained resilient. And one day in late August, almost two months to the day since she had come to us, the splints came off. She began to hop almost immediately. Slowly, at first, and then she was off. . .and our girl never looked back.
Today Parsnip Malone is a healthy, joyous, ACTIVE (!!) bunny and no one would ever guess she’d had any problems whatsoever.
THIS is what Zooh Corner does. This is why we exist. And all of you – every single one of you, from volunteers and fosters to our sponsors and donors, to those of you who share our endless funding pleas – are Zooh Corner. We literally could – not – do – this without you. Period. End of sentence. And you have our undying love and thanks.
And of course there is her vet, the incredibly gifted Dr Sari Kanfer. To say we are lucky to have her as our board vet would be the understatement of the decade.
For those who do not know Parsnip Malone’s story, or for those who want to reminisce, here are her photo albums, in chronological order.
Album #1
Album #2
**If you have any questions, or if you show these to your vet and she or he has any questions, please feel free to contact me via PM.**
And lastly, if you want to donate (our monthly double donor campaigns ends tonight, flyer in comment thread), here’s how.
PayPay zoohcorner@mybunny.org
On Vet Account (626)405-1777