HRS vs WFThe House Rabbit Society (HRS) is organizing a Day of Action on Sunday, August 17, calling for peaceful leafleting and protesting in front of Whole Foods stores.  From their site:

Rabbit protection groups around the country are planning on coming together to tell Whole Foods Market what rabbit lovers really think about Whole Foods’ decision to start selling rabbit meat in their stores … Remember–Whole Foods says they are carrying rabbit meat because of customer demand. We need to show that enough customers demand that Whole Foods NOT carry rabbit meat. That is your job!

The site details information about how you can help and who you can work with to join in a demonstration near you.  There is also good information about your and the store’s rights:

The First Amendment covers your rights to stand on a sidewalk, to hand out literature, and to speak to people, all without a permit, as long as you are not impeding traffic. However, be aware of the property that is directly in front of the Whole Foods store, because that property is most likely owned by the company itself, excluding of course the public sidewalk. If anyone complains about you, you may need to keep moving on the sidewalk, so as not to block traffic, but you do not have to leave a public sidewalk.

Zooh Corner will be participating.  If you are interested in helping—we have several stores we are focusing on—please contact us!  And don’t forget to check out our page dedicated to our efforts in this campaign.

