At Zooh Corner we love to promote other great rabbit rescues. After all, we’re all in this together! That being said, one of our favorite California rabbit rescues is LUCKY BUNNY RABBIT RESCUE (LBRR), a satellite of San Diego House Rabbit Society, that is based in Murrieta, California. LBRR works with local shelters to rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home abandoned domestic rabbits – and they do a fabulous job!

Nancy Woolf, who is lovely, dedicated – and super funny – runs LBRR and is a licensed HRS educator. She has been involved with rescue for 9 years.

Nancy and Volunteer and foster, Robin Harper, with Sonny and Cher
Nancy and Volunteer and foster, Robin Harper, with Sonny and Cher

Says Nancy, “I developed a passion for rabbits when I was young. We had a family rabbit named Nibbles, who used to love to frolic in our massive veggie garden. We could always find her when the cornstalks started tipping over. She would follow me around the house and had no problem running up and down the stairs. She passed away while we were on vacation. It was the most traumatic thing that ever happened to me in my childhood. I felt so guilty about having left her home. I’ve spent the rest of my life trying to make it up to her, by helping as many other rabbits as I can. As anyone who does rescue knows, it’s long hours, skipping family vacations, sleepless nights – and hay, found in many places that hay shouldn’t be found. The biggest frustration for me is dealing with people who feel like animals are disposable, but the successful adoptions keep me going. The adopters who spoil their bunnies and share heartwarming stories and photos make it all worthwhile. Few people realize how social rabbits are, until they’ve lived with them. Few people understand how different their personalities can be, and how amazing it feels to watch your rabbit do a happy dance when you come home.”

Take a look at just a few of the adorable bunnies available for adoption at LBRR.

Duncan, Peaches and Prince are 3 year old siblings who are shy, but sweet, gentle bunnies who love to cuddle and groom eachother.
Duncan, Peaches and Prince are 3 year old siblings who are shy, but sweet, gentle bunnies who love to cuddle and groom eachother.
Doc is a 5 month old boy who lives for head rubs. He's got excellent litter box habits and is adorable with his helicopter ears.
Doc is a 5 month old boy who lives for head rubs. He’s got excellent litter box habits and is adorable with his helicopter ears.

Theodore is a 15 month old social cutie pie. Look at that face, need we say more?
Theodore is a 15 month old social cutie pie. Look at that face, need we say more?

Zooh Corner gives Lucky Bunny Rabbit Rescue FIVE BINKIES (that means they rock!) and thanks you for all of the hard work, love and dedication you put into rescuing our hoppy little friends.











To learn more about Lucky Bunny Rabbit Rescue, or to adopt, volunteer or donate, check out their facebook page HERE:

Bunny Fun Time (BFT) at the Lucky Bunny Bungalow
Bunny Fun Time (BFT) at the Lucky Bunny Bungalow