Zooh Corner Sanctuary Rabbit: Luigi the LemonLucky Lemon

Saint Patrick’s Day Lemon


Luigi is doing VERY well. He gained and has sustained his weight, his teeth are doing better (his cheek teeth are the problem), he is no longer tilted and he’s about 98% NOT wobbly. THANKS so much to all of you who have donated, prayed–and loved this little tiny bundle for afar.

It’s once again time for a molar (cheek teeth) trim–and that means we need to raise funds.

Can you spare a few bucks for a little Lemon please?

To Donate:

PayPal zoohcorner@mybunny.org

Vet Account (626)405-1777 (let them know it is for Luigi the Lemon’s upcoming appointment! ♥ )

Nose bonks and flat snuggles from Luigi!