When we got the request, I just sat in my car and cried. How could we say no? We just want to help this poor little girl.bebe

She is coming from Kings County, the same place Parsnip Malone and Fred of Hanford came from.

She is approximately 4 months old. She weighs less than 2 pounds.❣

Her temperature is now 98゚- up from 96゚. We’re hoping she can get it back in the normal range soon. (For reference, normal range for a rabbit is a 100゚- 103゚)

Her blood work is reasonable, but her low white blood cell count is a bit concerning. Hopefully, where the intense supportive care that will improve soon.

There is an incredible amount of damage around her privates, her legs, and her bottom. My guess, based on experience, is that she was in with a bunch of her siblings, and perhaps adult rabbits, and they were fighting with each other and she got the worst of it. She was abandoned in a box outside a florist shop.

There appears to be a compression fracture in her lower spine. Her urethra is severely damaged. We don’t know if it can heal, or if she will be able to urinate on her own, or be manually expressed.

She will be hospitalized tonight, and perhaps for several nights following, because the only way to get urine out of her right now is to aspirate her bladder with a needle. 😢💔

Our goal right now is to get her stabilized and give her time to heal so we can re-evaluate.

I will update when I have more information.
Please note: There are some disturbing and graphic photos and video on her Facebook updates, showing the wounds and the maggots. Just so you all know

This little baby girl is in rough shape, but she has a great attitude. She’s fighting. Zooh Corner will do everything we can for her, with your help. Always with your help, our donors, sponsors, and kind bunny friends.

We Have a $150 so far, thank you! I figure that this will be a minimum of $1500. I will post an estimate on Facebook as soon as I get one.

On account (626)405-1777

PayPal zoohcorner@mybunny.org

Donate to Zooh Corner

Thank you!