Humane Society International (HSI) reports on the recent launch of the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act, a bill launched to prohibit animal testing for cosmetics in Canada, as well as blocking the sale of all cosmetics that have been recently tested on animals. They have been working closely with the Animal Alliance of Canada (AAC)and Senator Carolyn Stewart […]
Your Donations at Work
Here’s just a few examples of your donations at work. Do you remember Tigerlilly, the skinny older girl- bunny with the head tilt and sclerosis of the eye? Zooh Corner took her in a few months ago. Just look at her now! Roberto is an eight-year-old shelter bun we took in a few months ago. He […]
Meet Frogger
Just recently, a bunny was caught after he hopped across FOUR LANES of North Hollywood Traffic. Luckily, he he was unhurt from his ordeal. His kind rescuer had no alternative but to take him to a shelter. That’s when Zooh Corner stepped in. We have named him Frogger. He is super cute and friendly! Would you donate […]
Twinkle Star’s Double Bloat
Over the last few weeks, NO! Twinkle Star has been in and out of the emergency room twice for bloat. She had to have surgery, and we’re lucky to still have her with us. The fur is starting to grow back on her stomach, and she’s beginning to get back to her regular self.
Medical Bills GoFundMe Campaign
We have set up a GoFundMe campaign to help cover an exceptionally high balance on our medical account. Since the end of April the bunnies have had some exceptionally tough illnesses and this has included MANY emergency room visits and several hospitalizations, including: Satchmo’s leg amputation Luigi the Lemon’s dental surgery and complications NO! Twinkle […]
Goodbye Daisy Ducktoes
Our hearts broke yet again when we lost our sweet Daisy Ducktoes. It was very sudden and unexpected. She was not ill. She’d eaten her salad in the afternoon, been in the hay box, been out of her pen and visiting the other bunnies. Within 15 minutes of checking on her, she had passed. Cat […]
Daisy Ducktoes
Daisy Ducktoes was such a special bunny. So special. She liked everybun and was bunwife and Nursey Bunny to two of our special loves, Puck, and Rufus Poofus Poofington. Puck was blind and grieving the loss of his sister, and Daisy cuddled right up to him and became his seeing-eye bunny and friend, and they […]
Join LCA in Protesting Bristol Farms
Last Chance for Animals (LCA) filmed the brutal torture of rabbits in an undercover investigation at Pel-Freez, America’s largest rabbit slaughterhouse. Bristol Farms sells rabbit meat from Pel-Freez, even after being told of the shocking abuse taking place. Now LCA are calling for support in protesting against Bristol Farms. The protest is organized for Thusday, June 11, […]
The Bunny Burrow
The Bunny Burrow Rabbit Rescue was founded in August, 2013 by Erin Ramsey and Megan Geller. Although The Bunny Burrow is fairly new to the nonprofit rescue world, the founders are long-time rabbit rescuers and advocates who have been active in the community. The Bunny Burrow is a lot like Zooh Corner, in that all rescued […]
Bunny Bonding Lecture on YouTube
Our latest edition to the 2015 Rabbit Care Seminar Series – Bunny Bonding: Does your Rabbit Need a Friend? – is now up on our YouTube channel! Thanks to everyone who came out to hear Dr. Kanfer’s speech and Cat Logsdon’s demonstration on the benefits of finding and introducing a great partner for your pet […]