Easter is Coming – Make Yours Chocolate

As a rabbit rescue, part of Zooh Corner’s mission is to advocate for the welfare and safety of all rabbits.  Ill-prepared owners who receive rabbits as Easter gifts are unfamiliar with the needs and responsibilities of pet ownership.  All too often, these bunnies are neglected, and local humane societies and rabbit rescues are flooded with these former […]

Rabbit Seminar a Success!

Last Sunday’s Zooh Corner Rabbit Care Seminar was so much fun!  A big thanks to Dr. Jessica Waldman and Dr. Jan Steele from California Animal Rehabilitation (CARE) for providing an informative lecture on the benefits of rabbit physiotherapy.  And as always, thank you to Exotic Animal Care Center for hosting us! Dr Jessica Waldman offered physiotherapy […]

Spanish Bunnies Rescued from Slaughter

OneGreenPlanet reports on eight rabbits that had been rescued after spending their life being used for medical testing.  From their post: Covered in puncture wounds, tumors, and missing large chunks of fur across their little white bodies, the rabbits were absolutely petrified. They had spent their entire lives living in hell. Born and raised at […]

Luigi Shows his Flatitude

Luigi the Lemon, one of our special Sanctuary bunnies, was recently featured by Flat Bonnie for demonstrating some wonderful “flatitude!”  This little man enjoys his cuddles after his daily treatment, which involves nutritional supplements, pain meds, and gastrointestinal meds. Flat Bonnie is a line of plush toys that advocates for responsible and informed adoption of rabbits. […]