011Just think.. if you donate even $1 – that is more than most people on our friends lists ever donate!
Please Donate!

Busy and expensive day for Zooh Corner, but our Sanctuary Bunnies are worth it!!! Wouldn’t you agree?

Poor SATCHMO had to have another abscess lancing on his right paw. We have been trying to beat this thing for four months now, and we thought we had it licked, but a tiny new abscess appeared on Tuesday! He is back on Amikacin and still on Zeniquin.

Our little BUTTON MAN – We have tried various routes to treat his breathing issues. Little guy just has so many problems! Today we did rads to see if there is any obstruction in his nasal passages. Did note what appears to be a bit of inflammation on the left side – waiting for Dr Lamb and Dr Kanfer to put their heads together and come up with a new plan of attack. Tiny little Buttons needs and deserves all the help he can get!

Our lovely elder lady, POPPIE (11-12 yrs), was in for a re-check. She is holding her own (with a laundry list of medications and treatments) and being an extra good wifey to OTHO, who is undergoing radiation for a a thymoma.
Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue is doing pretty good by these babies, don’t you think? We do! And that is in great part because of you!

Please continue to support our efforts with elderly and special needs bunnies by making a donation today. Funds are needed to keep these lovelies happy and healthy for whatever time they have!
We will do the work, if you will continue to commit to helping us.


  • PAYPAL is zoohcorner@mybunny.org OR
  • go to our website and click the donate link www.mybunny.org
  • ON VET ACCOUNT (626)405-1777
  • BY CHECK PO Box 2192, San Gabriel CA 91778