rp_IMG_5016-300x225.jpgAhoy there, mateys! The Dread Pirate Wesley Wigglebottom, a rescued ‘meat” baby, pictured here with his brothers, Alvin, V.G.B. and Tonka, request a parlay.

“Pets Helping Pets” is a simple challenge that will give out over $1000 worth of plunder to various nominated rescue groups. Arrrrrr!!!

The goal is to get more *new* signatures on the petition asking Whole Foods to stop selling rabbit meat and we need your support!

Every new person who signs the petition can list their favorite rabbit rescue. The rescue with the most new signers will receive over $300 worth of rabbit related treasure! That be a mighty good plunder!

Our goal is to reach 50k signatures over the next eight weeks! We can do this—together. For the bunnies!

Please check it out; it is super easy to do.

More details here! Please share to your Facebook walls and via email….to groups, on Twitter—anywhere you can! Share it often, and encourage your friends to share!