picasso - 2014-03-27 - 001Please meet the adorable Picasso. Picasso is somewhere between 10-12 years old. He was rescued today and is temporarily staying with Kimberly Butler. ♥ My heart goes to Kim for learning about this guy, working my heartstrings with his story so I would agree to take him in (okay, it was’t all that much work), and for picking him up today in what was a very emotional exchange. I am also eternally grateful to Kristina, who told Kim about this little guy in the first place. ♥

Picasso was once a much loved companion, but very sadly lost his human to cancer three years ago. He has spent most (if not all) of his time since then in a cage, more or less neglected (owner’s words).

He will be coming here and will remain a much loved and pampered Zooh Corner Sanctuary bunny for whatever time he has left.

He is underweight and has sore hocks (no one wounds) and appears to have at least some arthritis. His eyes are both watery and crusted. I have not yet had the chance to assess him and will be making an appointment for him to be seen at EACC Monday or Tuesday. He will need at minimum blood work and X-rays,

But the Zooh Bank account is down to a little over 100 dollars ( and that thanks to some donations we got today!)

WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW. I need to get money into the PayPal account so I can guarantee a vet payment this coming week. I also have to pay SCE, DSL and we need a new vial of injectable Metacam ($187).


PayPal zoohcorner@mybunny.org

On Vet Account (626)405-1777

Thank you from all of us – especially little Picasso. ♥ ♥ ♥