001Last Sunday’s Zooh Corner Rabbit Care Seminar was so much fun!  A big thanks to Dr. Jessica Waldman and Dr. Jan Steele from California Animal Rehabilitation (CARE) for providing an informative lecture on the benefits of rabbit physiotherapy.  And as always, thank you to Exotic Animal Care Center for hosting us!

Dr Jessica Waldman offered physiotherapy consultation exams in addition to our regular healthy pet exams, and we had such a full house that we had to keep our adoptable buns off site for the day.  But feel free to browse our PetFinder listings, and let us know if you would like to meet any!

It was super fun to finally meet Aldo Lilley, a long-time friend and supporter of Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue.  He was visiting from across the pond, and got to discuss rabbit care with several of our guests.

Check out our album for the event, and stay tuned for the lecture videos that will appear on our YouTube channel soon!

And don’t forget the next seminar coming in May, where we will talk about bonding bunnies.