In just one week we’re hosting our next free lecture in our 2015 Rabbit Education Seminar Series.  Review this year’s schedule in our PDF flier, and sign up now on EventBrite!  All seminars are held at Exotic Animal Care Center, and lectures/demos are offered by Dr. Sari Kanfer.

This month’s topic will close out our discussion on taking care of elderly and disabled rabbits, and will feature a talk by Dr. Jessica Waldman and demonstrations by Dr. Jan Steele of California Animal Rehabilitation (CARE).  During this seminar, the benefits of physical therapy and massage will be discussed, with introduction to treatments that can help your rabbit live comfortably with chronic conditions such as paresis, paralysis, head tilt, and more.  The lecture will start at noon, and the demonstrations will begin shortly after.

As an extra special gift to you and Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue, Dr. Waldman is offering SIX physical rehabilitation exams/evaluations at a cost of only $35 dollars, and she is graciously donating that fee to Zooh Corner. That’s only SIX SLOTS, so make your reservation to have your bunny evaluated!

As always, Dr. Kanfer is offering $25 Healthy Pet exams for rabbits, chinchillas, guinea pigs, and other small mammals.  That’s a savings of over $45, and thanks to the generosity of Dr. Kanfer, all proceeds benefit Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue.  All rabbits must come in carriers!  Exam slots are limited.  Animals who are ill need to be seen during business hours (unless arrangements made prior).  Emergencies will be referred to approved exotics veterinarians.  Contact Exotic Animal Care Center for all of your exotic pet’s medical needs – 626-405-1777.

The Zooh Store will be on hand with fresh hays, toys, supplies, and goodies for sale.  $15 spa-style grooming will be available as well, so bring in your furry friend to get a rejuvenating grooming, nail trim, scent gland cleaning, and massage.  We will also have our rescued bunnies available to meet for adoptions and bunny dates.

If you have missed our previous lectures, you can find them on our YouTube Channel.  Here’s our previous lectures on caring for elderly and disabled rabbits.

Elderly and Disabled Rabbits – Part 1

Elderly and Disabled Rabbits – Part 2