13599981_10209678334980344_6618870410674485651_nYesterday, we saw a post on Craigslist, advertising a “Free Bunny”.  The post sounded suspicious and troubling, but we reached out out and rescued this lovely little man.  At first glance he seemed to be in good condition, but after spending some time with him, we’ve realized that this little guy is in pretty rough shape.  At first, we noted that he was underweight and appeared to have only some mild dental issues. However, he is not eating on his own, he’s lethargic and his poop is only cecal masses. My guess is that it’s a combination of bad diet, malnourishment and heat exposure. Not uncommon with rescues.

His temperature is good, and he seems a little perkier now that we have started treating him (fluids and small frequent syringe feedings).  He will be coming to stay at my house for the next week, and will see vet on Tuesday.

We need help with his medical care. Several people offered to donate. Will you help us? Here’s how:


  • PayPal zoohcorner@mybunny.org
  • On Vet account (626)405-1777

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