This update is long in coming, and also a bit lengthy. My apologies.
Rufus is very sick bunny. As many of you already know, one of his kidneys is only about 20-25% functional, as it has significant mineralization. Now his other kidney shows signs of mineralization, and some of that has broken off and is blocking one of his ureters. This is causing him to go into kidney failure. What we are doing to try to treat that is fluids therapy, along with Lasix, and prazosin to help dilate the tube and get the stone to move through. Unfortunately, Rufus also has significant heart disease and he cannot handle the fluids very well so we must be extremely careful.
Today he went in for his second set of X-rays and blood work. His kidney levels remain the same, which was a bit of a relief. His heart is not handling the fluids well, so we are adjusting that. On radiograph, the stone appears to have moved down the tube and is now at the opening of the ureter to the bladder. It is our hope that this is going to move through by tomorrow or Monday. If not, well, we’re not talking about that part today.
Tomorrow or Monday he goes in for another radiograph and another kidney panel.
I’m sure that most of you know that Rufus is the love of my life. He came to Zooh Corner when he was 6 months old. He’d been dropped by a hawk and had a broken back, both sides of his jaw broken and his front teeth broken. He hadn’t eaten in days and had no food in his body. Normally, rabbits in this condition don’t make it. But Rufus started eating, accepted all the love and care, had the best attitude ever and never looked back. For the last 8 years he has been my everyday, my constant, my best friend. He gets massage and physical therapy every day, he gets his bladder expressed several times a day. We continue to do all that we can for him. He is a adored
We very much need donations at this time. These donations, unlike the double Downer, are specifically for the veterinary account. Any amount is helpful and appreciate it more than you can know.
To Donate
- Please call our vet at (626)405-1777
OR - PayPal