10942747_10205789664886022_1422885381962034134_nWe have named our four babies rescued from the Sacramento Breeder! We are pleased to introduce you to Tickle (#19), Dread Pirate Wesley Wigglebottom (#6), Alvin (#14), and Tonka (#12)! Tickle is very curious and digs Starbucks. Today, a Cottontail Cottage was given to the boys. What fun they had!

The boys were in to see Dr. Kanfer at Exotic Animal Care Center on January 22.   Wesley & Alvin may need toes amputated. Neuters and toe recheck next week.

Neuter day is coming up next week. The toes will need to be seen too.  Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Janet Foster, we are only $140 shy of covering their current vet bill.  Any amount you can offer to help is much appreciated!