004TONKA here, and his bothers, have all been neutered and are recovering well. Tonka’s toes are 98% healed (mostly thanks to Janet Foster’s wonderful care!). Tonka’s favorite things to do are to follow Tickle around, sit at the top of the Cottontail Cottage, and snuggle with Tickle.

ALVIN (V.G.B.) had his second toe surgery, to prevent the spread of infection and stave off the need for amputation, and he continues to get daily toe soaks and cold laser therapy. Fingers crossed that this did the trick and that he is truly on the road to recovery. He is just a baby and we want him to be able to binky and bounce with the best of them! heart emoticon

THE DREAD PIRATE WESLEY WIGGLEBOTTOM had his toe surgically cleaned again and some more necrotic tissue removed. He too gets toe soakings and cold laser therapy. Poor Wesley thinks it is time for all of this silliness to walk the plank: he just wants to eat hay and play in his tunnels and his beloved Cottontail Cottage!

TICKLE THE TERRIBLE is doing very well. He also is about 98% healed. He spends his time popping out of tunnels, sticking his nose up the back of my shirt, staring at me and pestering the Dread Pirate.

Thank you all for your continued love and support for these little “meat” babies. If you have not already done so, please take moment and sign the petition to help stop Whole Foods Market from selling the flesh of rabbits just like Tonka and his brothers.

Together we CAN stop this from happening. Please sign and share today.