Hi Friends,
Just thought I would post a little update about a couple of our more recently added sanctuary family members.
This little guy is just the cutest. This little old man is 10 years old and was abandoned by humans who just didn’t want to deal with his myriad health issues. He has both heart and kidney disease, dental disease, and very significant arthritis in his knees, hips and spine.
‘enry came to us in May. He needs and receives a lot of daily care in order to keep him happy and as comfortable as he can be. He gets massage and physical therapy twice a day, and cold laser therapy once a day. He is also on several medications to address his health issues. He sees Dr Kanfer fairly frequently.
And just look at the results! Little guy is able to hop around, albeit a bit stiffly, and boy does he. He just goes and goes. . .and goes! He also LOVES cuddles and routinely falls asleep in my lap.
You can see more pictures – and videos – here.
MR THUMP (Tiltimus Thump III)
What can we say about this soft little tilty other than “Squeeee!” He came to us in January, seriously underweight and unable to hop without falling and spinning. Skip forward to July (through the longest months ever known to humankind) and look at him now! He lives in an x-pen, “just like the big boy bunnies,” and he is having bonding sessions with Boswald Cobblepot!
Thumpy-bump has come a long way, but he is still fairly compromised. He is unlikely to lose his tilt, though we always hope – and hope for at least more improvement. Thumpy gets massage every day, and cold laser and physical therapy several times a week.
You can see more pics and videos of Thump (and Cobblepot) here.
If you would like to help the bunnies with a donation today, you can donate through PayPal zoohcorner@mybunny.org, or via our current GoFundMe
And if you are reading this and would like to become a monthly sponsor, please PM me on FB or send an email to zoohgirl@gmail.com.
Next time I will update on the lop girls, Circle and Hollis, along with Parsnip Malone.
As always, we are grateful for your support. Without you, not one bunny at Zooh Corner would be able to receive such a high standard of care. From the bottom of all of our hearts, thank you.
Cat Logsdon