Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue and Satchmo send love, thanks and bunny nose bonks to Cindy A. Lee and Wags and Menace Make a Difference Foundation for funding Satchmo’s life-saving leg amputation surgery. We love you Cindy and Baxter. You and your foundation are life-saving angels! Thank you from all the bunnies, and from me, for all that you do! heart emoticon
Satchmo’s amputation surgery has been tentatively scheduled for next Wednesday. When running his pre-op bloodwork today, it was noted that his kidney values are at the high end of normal. That, coupled with the fact that he is just shy of ten years old, is warning enough for us to wait a week, while we take him off one of the antibiotics he has been on long term (out of necessity) and start a fluid-therapy protocol.
Bloodwork will be run again next Tuesday and if the kidney values are more mid-range, he will have the surgery on Wednesday.
Keep him in your prayers. He really must have the surgery.