32980562_15369788998219_rTwo weeks ago we received a very very unexpected termination of our lease.  The owner’s daughter goes to school in this school district, yet they have been living in another city. Well, the district found out and now she and her daughter need to move back here ASAP.  We just cannot win.


We need to be out by October 31st. 

We truly cannot believe this. After the last move (only a year ago!) we thought we would be here for several years at the very least.  We have done a TON of work (at our own expense),  and paid a fortune to get moved in (we even closed out our personal savings account with that last move).  This place is wonderful for the bunnies. . .and we have grown to love it as well. We are really sad. And tired of having to leave. We just want someplace safe for the bunnies, a place where we can stay.

The very good news is that we’ve found another place. It’s back in Pasadena, even closer to Exotic Animal Veterinary Center (necessary, as I spend so many of my days there with various sick bunnies). The owner is okay with the all of the rabbits (as long as we bunny proof), there is adequate space, storage for Zooh Corner (hay, pens, event supplies, etc), and some space for bunny sitting (my side job which helps pay the bills). It definitely needs some work and TLC, as well as bunny proofing, but not nearly as much work as our current place needed. . .and places in pristine shape don’t want a rescue running out of the home .

The rent is higher than what we are currently paying, but that we were able to secure yet another place that is even close to what we currently pay, that has adequate space and allows *all* the bunnies, is truly a miracle and a blessing.  Especially given the short time we have to make this all happen.

Total deposit for this place is two months rent, plus the last month’s rent as security deposit for the bunnies, for a total of $9600.  Sigh. At least it is less than it cost to get in where we are now.

We are borrowing money for part of the deposit and will pay that back out of whatever we get back from current place.  But we need help with the bunny deposit and bunny proofing.




This includes:
– $3100.00 Pet Deposit (It’s for a lot of bunnies and because we run a
rescue from our home. But the good news is that  this time will count
as our last month’s rent as long as there are minimal damages!!) We
cannot sign the lease and secure the property without this amount.

– $900 For preparation of new place/proofing supplies, repairs on
current property—as well as some funds towards our normal
(October) monthly fundraiser (to help cover hay, greens, medications,
etc (It’s going to be a tight month 🙁 ). On top of the move, we still have
our regular obligations to cover. This amount is needed to make the
place ready for the bunnies to move in, as well as to help cover
feeding them and other basics for the month of October.


Please help us.  No amount is too small.

**This Fundraiser Takes The Place Of Our Normal Monthly Fundraising Campaign**

Thank you so much for your help!!