055Summer is here, and Zooh Corner wants to remind you to keep your bunnies cool, as high temperatures can be very dangerous to their heath.  The best situation for a rabbit is an indoor, air-conditioned home on days with temperature over 78 degrees.

Some additional tips:

  • Avoid housing your rabbit in direct sunlight, and ensure the area is well-ventilated
  • Never keep your rabbit in the garage
  • Use fans when possible to help with airflow
  • Place bottles or cartons of ice near your bunny
    • Stock up on ice bottles by storing spare water bottles in the freezer
  • Provide plenty of fresh, clean drinking water
  • If food gets wet (via misters, etc.) change immediately/daily to avoid life-threatening mold

While preventative measures generally keep bunny comfortable, sometimes a danger-situation still arises.  If you notice that bunny is panting, drooling, or listless – immedate action is needed.  Dampen ears with a mister or washcloth, put him next to a bottle of ice, and take him to the vet, ASAP. Extreme heat can cause the brain to swell (among other things) and bunny could very well die a very painful death.

For the full article, see The Dangers of Summer