T-Shirts for Sale for 5 Days Only!

JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS we are re-launching TWO of our all-time favorite and most requested shirt designs!shirts


Our much-loved 🎄CHRISTMAS SWEATER 🎄 designed by one of our super cool volunteers, Reagan.



💘WE ARE LOVE 💘 designed by beloved and amazingly talented artist, Elise Church, to honor our sweet “Sacramento Meat Bunnies,” Tickle the Terrible, Wesley Wigglebottom (Dread Pirate), Alvin V.G.B.(sA.) and Tonka da Truck.


In order to get them to you for the holidays this CAMPAIGN ENDS in only five days, on Monday, December 10th.


The funds raised from the bunny Christmas sweater shirts and We Are Love shirts (see store) will go towards covering the large, outstanding vet bill for the Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue sanctuary rabbits and their ongoing medical costs. Almost 100% of the rabbits we take in are elderly, ailing, or have special needs. They are rescued from shelters or situations where their lives are endangered, and are generally in very bad condition when they come to us. Once they are safe in a sanctuary home they are given the best medical care possible, along with love, comfort, good food – and all the pleasures a bunny deserves – for the rest of their lives, however long or short that may be.

ALL Designs and Styles Here

Thank you!