LCA Petition Against Rabbit Cruelty

Last Chance for Animals (LCA) has recently reported on an undercover investigation at Pel-Freez, the largest rabbit slaughterhouse in the United States.  They have documented horrific abuse and started a petition calling upon the prosecution of Pel-Freez for subjecting the rabbits at their facility to cruel mistreatment.  From their petition page: In the first-ever investigation […]

Spanish Bunnies Rescued from Slaughter

OneGreenPlanet reports on eight rabbits that had been rescued after spending their life being used for medical testing.  From their post: Covered in puncture wounds, tumors, and missing large chunks of fur across their little white bodies, the rabbits were absolutely petrified. They had spent their entire lives living in hell. Born and raised at […]

Whole Foods Rabbit Meat Images

The Rabbit Advocacy Network has recently posted images of the rabbits that are farmed and supplied to Iowa Rabbit, the bunny killing factory that slaughters rabbits for Whole Foods. From their post:: Whole Foods Market has justified their introduction of a new animal–rabbit meat–to their meat cases by telling the public that they have been responding to customer […]

Petition for Humane Cosmetics Act

Cruelty Free International has organized a petition to call upon the members of US House of Representatives to co-sponsor the Humane Cosmetics Act, introduced by US Representative Jim Moran (D-VA).  From their petition: Rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice and rats are routinely injected, gassed, force-fed and killed for cosmetics testing worldwide. We believe this is […]