Tomorrow is my next corrective dental trim. It is $35. I had four offers to sponsor dental trims but none of you have com through. Why? I really need you!! To sponsor one of my next four corrective dental trims, you can: PayPal (or click the DONATE button) On vet account (626)405-1777 (“for Mortimer’s […]
Tag: rabbit care
Zooh Corner Rabbits Helped by Jessica & Lola’s Charity Auctions
Hi Guys. Here is the next installment from the “Zooh Corner Rabbits Helped by Jessica & Lola’s Charity Auctions” Otho (dark brown and black), the elder bun with the thymoma is due for his second radiation treatment today, so yesterday was his pre-check and x-rays (which already show a significant change from the first day […]
Mortimer Jones – Before and After
Mortimer Jones came to Zooh Corner in January. He was quite a mess, as you can see. He is 99% better now, thanks to our awesome vets and a lot of TLC, but he has some remaining dental issues. We are trying to resolve them through diet and frequent incisor trims. That’s where you come […]
Otho treatment update
Remember Otho—the old bunny from the North Central Animal shelter? He had his first radiation treatment on Thursday. Remember Poppie? She is the 10-year old (at least) death row bunny from the Carson shelter. She is Otho’s wife. Otho did well with his first radiation treatment. His second one is next Thursday. Poppie is frail […]
Sponsors Needed – $38 a pop!
This is Mortimer Jones. Please click through his album, see his before pics, see his story. Mortimer has some dental issues that we at Zooh Corner, along with the fantabulous Dr Sari Kanfer (Exotic Animal Care Center)are trying to resolve **without surgery** Dr K feels that there is a chance of correction via frequent trims […]
How You can Help Zooh Corner
Zooh Corner needs help in the following areas. Please email to apply or to get more information! If you are interested, want to help or have ANY questions, please email! Thanks!
Picasso Update
PICASSO went in for his check-up Tuesday, with Dr Stephanie Lamb, at Exotic Animal Care Center. We found that he definitely has issues with his incisors (click through pics to see). He also has a good amount of arthritis and some muscle wasting, not at all shocking for a bunny who has spent three years […]
Rabbit 911 Videos on YouTube!
The videos from the Rabbit 911 seminar are now up on YouTube. Rabbit 911 is a lecture in the Free Rabbit Care Seminars 2014, and was held at Exotic Animal Care Center on Sunday, March 16, 2014. A big thank-you to Zooh Corner volunteers, and everyone who came out to learn about assessing and treating […]
Picasso – Rescued Mar 22, 2014
Picasso is somewhere between 10-12 years old. He was once a much loved companion, but very sadly lost his human to cancer three years ago. He has spent his time since then neglected in a tiny dog carrier. He was not given any space to move, nothing soft to lie on, and had to […]
Picasso the Zooh Corner Sanctuary Bunny
Please meet the adorable Picasso. Picasso is somewhere between 10-12 years old. He was rescued today and is temporarily staying with Kimberly Butler. ♥ My heart goes to Kim for learning about this guy, working my heartstrings with his story so I would agree to take him in (okay, it was’t all that much work), and […]