Count “Chocy” Chocula was an elder bun who was due to be put to sleep at the shelter on July 29, 2013 – the very day we rescued him. It took some convincing, but we got him and we are glad we did. He came to Zooh corner underweight with infected eyes, urine scald. Initial x-rays […]
Tag: sanctuary bunnies
Goodbye Sweet Poppie
Our beautiful, lovely Poppie has gone to be with her bun-man, Otho. Rescued in November of last year, we are grateful that at least she had the better part of a year to live as a loved, cherished friend – and she had her own husbun! Still, we always wish we could do more; give […]
Poppie was a 11-year old female rabbit rescued from the Carson shelter on November 7, 2013. She had medium urine scald, UTI, dental issues, eye infection (possibly related to dental disease), was seriously underweight with some muscle wasting and arthritis in front feet/ankles. Xrays showed heart slightly small due to dehydration, medium amount of gas in […]
BIP Otho
BIP Otho. You were loved and you will be missed. We will take care of your Poppie until it is her time to be with you.
Otho was rescued by Zooh Corner on February 25, 2014, where he was listed as 6 years old and healthy. Soon after rescuing him, we discovered that this little guy was actually at least 10 years old and was in very ill health, including dental issues, severe arthritis, and a thymoma, which required radiation treatment. Despite this, […]
Double Donor – Now thru Sunday
Double donor days is running at Zooh Corner – now until Sunday at midnight. Get your donation in, and any amount you contribute will have twice the impact! Please help us reach our goal of $800! We have so many bunnies that depend on your continued support. Please browse our galleries or read our news […]
Support Medical Needs Bunnies
We’ve only received one donation in the last six days, but we have so many rescued bunnies with ongoing medical needs who depend on us. To continue to help them, we depend on you! Here are just some of the bunnies who we have rescued and continue to rely on us for help. Often this […]
Tuxedo’s First Vet Visit
We have rescued Tuxedo, and he has been in for his first vet visit at Exotic Animal Care Center. This sweet little man has a multitude of issues, including arthritis, sccoliosis, mites, and malnutrition. See more info and pictures in his gallery. He is just one of several elder or medical needs rabbits Zooh Corner […]
Busy Week; Need Support
Zooh Corner has been very busy lately, with three rescues and an ER visit. We cannot survive if the donations do not come in. Thank you to those who have contributed so far, but we must ask for more help to cover these new arrivals, plus handle our ongoing needs like utilities, meds, greens, and […]
Satchmo’s Paw Abscess
Our sweet Sanctuary bunny, Satchmo, is continuing to struggle with his paw abscess. Just two weeks ago, he had his abscess lanced by the skilled crew at Exotic Animal Care Center. This poor man recently lost his bondmate, Victoria, and we are working to keep his spirits up with another bonding, and are continuing to […]