Lisa Rockwell, friend of Zooh Corner and savior of our own Tonka, Alvin, Wesley, and Tickle, has started a Thunderclap campaign for rabbit advocacy this Easter. This campaign is calling on support for the petition for Whole Foods to stop selling rabbit meat in their stores. From the campaign:
Whole Foods is trying to create a demand for the meat by auto shipping the whole bodies of bunnies to almost all of their stores. Sales are dismal but they still refuse to stop selling despite nation wide protests, thousands of calls, emails and comment cards along with over 38,000 signatures on the petition!
The rabbits are living in harsh conditions in a state with ag-gag laws that make under cover investigation illegal. Photos from the farm whole foods sources from are so sad. Dirty water, crowded cages, harsh hot conditions, so bad that in just one day 38 rabbits died before reaching slaughter. Rabbits are pulled from their cages at just 6-8 weeks of age to be slaughtered. Rabbits are not protected under farming laws and are subjected to incredibly harsh farming practices. Whole Foods is no different.
This Easter is a great time to fight to protect the pets we love and teach our children to appreciate!
Please support the campaign and sign the petition.