UPDATE: Our newest family member, Sanctuary Rabbit, Little Thump (aka Mr Thump). LT

Little Thump has put on some much needed weight and is feeling stronger and better, but he has a long road ahead of him. Thankfully, he’s a happy little guy with a lot of bunnitude.

This video (Facebook Link) shows how truly debilitated he is, even though he’s a happy little guy.He moves around a lot, in part because he’s young and feeling better and just wants to be a bunny, but also, sadly, in part because he cannot coordinate his movements (ataxia). His weight gain is going extremely slowly. He puts out a lot of energy just to move around and it is difficult for him to eat enough, again, because of the ataxia.

He’s going in for re-evaluation tomorrow. We are likely going to test him for sarcocystis, even though we do feel that the neurological issues are more likely related to his ear infection and subsequent ruptured eardrum. Still, we want to rule out other issues. And while his EC titer did show that he has been exposed, there are no markers of active infection, and this is not presenting at all like e. cuniculi

He is still getting syringe fed every few hours, along with medications and immunity boosters (to help with bone growth, growth, healing and weight gain).

This video was also taken today (Facebook Link). Is’t he just adorable?